Event Information

Information regarding the directions of the main race

You can choose what direction you want to run the main race in, but for the purpose of matching the front of the field in the same race, we have chosen a specific direction for those who want to podium.

This year the podium direction is the Jumbo->Holdsworth (Anti-Clockwise) direction.

In order to place on the podium and qualify for category prizes, you will need to enter the 'Jumbo->Holdsworth Direction' race.

The final results will include every runner, regardless of the direction they chose to race, with your direction noted. Every competitor is eligible to win a spot prize.

Due to concerns about traffic on the first swing bridge and cut offs, we have a limit on the Jumbo-Holdsworth direction of 130 people

The Hooper Loop has just one direction. All runners in that race qualify for the podium and category prizes in that race.

24KM Holdsworth-Jumbo

The clockwise rendition of the course. You climb rather steep graded paths until hitting the exposed ridges above the tree-line. After traversing between Holdsworth and Jumbo, you descend down a rugged path to the valley, finishing along a fast flat river path.

This course has strict cut offs and suits fit competitors with reasonable mountain and trail experience.

24KM Jumbo-Holdsworth
Podium Direction

Following the classic circuit in an anti-clockwise direction, the course will take competitors along graded tracks until climbing steeply out of the tree-line onto exposed ridges. Once traversing between Jumbo and Holdsworth, you follow graded paths downhill to the finish.

This course has strict cut offs and suits fit competitors with reasonable mountain and trail experience.

12KM Hooper Loop

Keeping mainly within the bush, this circuit encompasses graded tracks with a reasonably steep hill climb during the middle section of the race.

This trail will suit the novice through to the elite and should be considered if you may not make the cut offs for the big course!

Event Dates and Start Times

Event day is SATURDAY 25th JANUARY 2025 (Auckland Anniversary Weekend)

Registration opens 6.30am for JHTR/HJTR and at 7:45am for Hooper Loop

No on the day entries.

Jumbo-Holdsworth 24km & Holdsworth-Jumbo 24km
Race Briefing - 7.45am
Race Start 8.00am.

Hooper Loop 12km
Race Briefing - 8.45am
Race Start 9.00am.

Race Categories

Placings are only given for those in the podium direction - that is the anti-clockwise direction, Jumbo First

Junior Women and Junior Men - Under 21 years old
Senior Women and Senior Men - 21 years to 39 years old
Vet Women and Vet Men - 40 years to 49 years old
Super Vet Women and Super Vet Men - 50 plus years old

Other prizes:
Powell Hut Sub 1 club - getting to Powell Hut in under an hour.
Jumbo Hut Sub 1 club - getting to Jumbo Hut in under an hour. (only one person has done this!)
King and Queen of the Mountain - for both summiting the first mountain, ie Holdsworth and Jumbo, in the respective directions
Midpacker prize - the Woman and Man with the time closest to the average time between the fastest and slowest on either main course.

Compulsory Gear Requirements

All the below equipment is MANDATORY. No exceptions. This is a mountain environment where the weather conditions can be very changable, so we place a lot of importance on your mandatory gear.

Jumbo-Holdsworth 24km & Holdsworth-Jumbo 24km

  • A map of the course or GPS unit with topomap installed.*
  • Survival Blanket or Survival Bag
  • Waterproof over trousers OR polyprop/wool long johns
  • Polyprop/wool top
  • Wool Hat or appropriate buff
  • Decent warm gloves
  • Seam Sealed Jacket with a hood. Needs to be both rain and wind proof
  • Cup or Bottle for water - there are no cups at huts on the course
  • Hooper Loop 12km

  • A map of the course or GPS unit with topomap installed.*
  • Polyprop/wool top, hat and gloves
  • Jacket with a hood that is seam sealed to be both rain and wind proof
  • All competitors will need to have their gear checked at registration before they can start.

    Race referees will exercise the right to refuse entry to or disqualify competitors who do not carry the correct gear and comply with safety requirements.

    * It is up to the discretion of the gear checker whether the unit is acceptable or not. We will also have copies of maps available.

    Additional recommended equipment

    We recommend you also have sunscreen, sunhat, good trail shoes and if you plan to take some time, your own water and food.
    Bring cash for coffee and massage.
    Poles are permitted but should not be used along the valley floor.
    Nourishment during the race i.e. drinks, food, gels etc. are your concern. The availability of water will be advised at race briefing as seasonal conditions can affect supply at the huts enroute.

    On the course aid

    Marshals are situated around the course at various junctions, and at the huts along the way.

    Jumbo Hut, Powell Hut and Atiwhakatu Hut are marshaled with radios, and here the marshals will take your split times.

    The three huts have water tanks* and lollies available for you to consume/take with you.

    We will have a tail end charlie for each course, and a roaming medic. 

    There are also marshals situated at the peaks of Jumbo and Holdsworth.

    *Note: The availability of water will be advised at race briefing as seasonal conditions can affect supply at the huts enroute.

    The race start and finish location

    The race starts from the gate at the end of the Mt Holdsworth DOC campsite.  Google Maps

    The race finishes at the Holdsworth lodge, 500 meters up the road from the gate.

    Camping is available overnight at the DOC campsite, DOC camp fee's apply. See the DOC website for more info

    Registration is under the shelter to the right of the gate. Breifings are at the gate.

    There are toilet blocks located throughout the campsite, with toilets available by the registration for the start, and more situated by the Holdsworth Lodge at the finish.

    Coffee will be available to purchase at the start and finish, cash only.

    There will be a free light lunch offered to competitors from 11.30am at the finish.

    Prizegiving will be held as soon as possible after the last competitor has finished. Should there be a delay causing this to extend past a reasonable time, prize giving will go ahead from around 1pm.

    Race Rules - please read

    The Jumbo Holdsworth Trail race proudly has an OutdoorsMark certified Safety Plan.
    Please follow all the rules below in order to help us make this event as safe as possible.

    • Competitors must carry their mandatory gear requirements - as listed above.
    • Race referees reserve the right to withdraw any competitors deemed to be at risk.
    • The Jumbo-Holdsworth Trail Race will have a strict cut-off time of 2 hrs 20 minutes enforced at Jumbo Hut, any competitor taking longer will not be allowed to continue. However, if a competitor fails to reach the Atiwhakatu hut in 1hr 10mins they will be withdrawn at that point also.
    • The Holdsworth-Jumbo Trail Race will have a strict cut-off time of 1 hr 50 minutes enforced at Powell Hut. Any competitor taking longer will not be allowed to continue.
    • Competitors must be responsible for the safety of other competitors. Anyone encountering another in difficulty must offer assistance, and then notify the nearest race official so that help can be actioned. A time adjustment will be offered for your assistance - this applies to both races.
    • Competitors on the Jumbo-Holdsworth direction may encounter a wait at the 1st swing bridge as there is a limit of 1 person at a time to cross. Marshals will help move people across as fast as possible
    • Competitors on the Holdsworth-Jumbo may arrive at that swing bridge together. If you are racing and you arrive together (within sight of each other), then you should wait for the other competitor to cross before racing again.
    • All runners are to remain on established tracks and not damage vegetation by setting your own course.
    • All competitors to display race numbers clearly at all times, especially at checkpoints and the finish (please as it makes it very difficult for timing otherwise!).
    • All food and wrappings are to be carried on a "pack in - pack out" basis. Any runner reported discarding rubbish purposefully will be disqualified.
    • Please be a tidy runner and pick up any rubbish you see.
    • Any competitor pulling out of either event for any reason after race start MUST report to the race director or timing tent at race control before leaving the park so their absence can be accounted for.
    • The Tararua Forest park will be open and operating, so please be careful and considerate of other track users. 
    • For the main race, all competitors to be over the age of 18yrs as at 25/01/2025 or at the organisers discretion.
    • For the Hooper Loop race, all competitors to be over the age of 14yrs as at 28/01/2025 or at the organisers discretion.

    Course Descriptions

    Jumbo-Holdsworth and Holdsworth Jumbo 24km Courses

    Download the map and profile here

    The Jumbo-Holdsworth Trail Race starts at 8am from the Mt Holdsworth H.Q. carpark, Tararua Forest Park. The race proceeds through Donnelly's Flat to join the undulating Atiwhakatu track to Atiwhakatu Hut (7.5km). From here a steep ascent commences via the Rain Gauge track to reach Jumbo Hut (10km) 1105m before continuing on to reach the Jumbo summit - 1405m. At the summit runners make a left turn at the marshalled sign to head south along the undulating main range to Mt Holdsworth Trig (14km) 1470m. From the Trig runners turn left again to commence the decent via Powell Hut (15.7km) 1160m to Holdsworth Lodge and finish line via the well graded Gentle Annie Track.

    The Holdsworth-Jumbo Trail Race  starts at 8am as well, and travels around the loop the other way with your course splitting off at the Gentle Annie Turnoff. Holdsworth-Jumbo competitors will be turned left and Jumbo-Holdsworth will continue straight through to Donnelly's Flat.

    The Jumbo-Holdsworth Trail Race  suits those that like a flat fast start with a VERY steep tough technical climb.
    The Holdsworth-Jumbo Trail Race  suits those that enjoy technical downhills and a smooth flat finish.

    The cut offs are very strict. If you feel you cannot make the cut off times, then you should consider the Hooper Loop. The cut offs are there for everyones safety.

    Download the map and profile here

    The Hooper Loop Trail Race starts at 9.00am from the Mt Holdsworth Headquarters carpark. This race proceeds through Donnelly Flat - along the Atiwhakatu track for 4km and then, a left turn onto the River Ridge track to ascend to the Gentle Annie track junction 650m. Runners will then descend to the Holdsworth Lodge and finish line via the Gentle Annie track.

    Complaints or incidents

    Should you have any complaints about the race or witnessed any incidents during the race, please contact the race director race@jumbo-holdsworth.co.nz with as much details as possible.