Jumbo-Holdsworth Trail Race

Entries for the 2025 race, to be held Auckland Anniversary Weekend - Saturday 25th Jan 2025 - will open August 5th!


Choose your race:

  • Podium Direction - Jumbo->Holdsworth
    Max 130 Entries - 24km - 1500m Elevation
  • Holdsworth->Jumbo
    Max 130 Entries - 24km - 1500m Elevation
  • Hooper Loop Trail Race
    12km - 500m Elevation

For more detailed information go to Course Descriptions

Jumbo Holdsworth Trail Race on Facebook Jumbo Holdsworth Trail Race on Instagram

Rere Training Plans for JHTR

If you would like a crafted training programme designed to help you to prepare for the Jumbo Holdsworth Trail Race, then head along to the Rere.run website.
They've put together a comprehensive 8 week training schedule to take the guesswork out of your training and provide you with the structure required to complete the Jumbo Holdsworth or the Hooper Loop.

Programmes start Monday, December 5.
Check out the Rere plan here

Thanks to our sponsors:

And please make sure you check out our charity partners: